Welcome to a special “Meet the Candidates” issue of The People’s Voice, the newsletter of AFGE Local 1658. This special issue is intended to give you, the Union member, information on the candidates who are participating in the upcoming Special Election created by the resignation of Officers during the current term of Office beginning in December of 2021 and ending December 2024.
An election of a single Local 1658 officer Area Vice President (AVP) will be held Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 3:30 PM EST. Balloting will be done by mail ballot. Ballots were mailed to members on July 14, 2023. Completed ballots will need to be returned in sufficient time to be retrieved by 3:00 PM on August 9, 2023. No runoff should be necessary because there are only two candidates.
Any member who has paid dues through June 21, 2023, is in good standing and eligible to vote.
This special issue of the newsletter is going to introduce you to the two individuals who are running for office this year. Some of them may be familiar to you; some of them may not be. They are all Union members who would like the opportunity to serve the membership of our Local in various capacities. This is not intended to be, or to replace, campaign literature which any candidate may develop and distribute themselves.
The following pages contain various information regarding the candidates, including their experience, education, past Union offices, and position statements. Please read these carefully. The future of our Union Local depends on you.
Questions, comments, or concerns regarding the election should be directed to the Special Election Committee Chair, Zedrick Brown, at 586-282-6102, or e-mail to
This newsletter special election issue was produced solely by the Election Committee.
Please Click on the link below to open the Special Election Issue Newsletter.